The UF/IFAS Annual Report of Peer-reviewed Journal Articles is created by the UF/IFAS Office of Research from a master list of unique references compiled by the UF/IFAS Publication Coordinator. The master list is compiled from publication data submitted by each UF/IFAS unit. Over the course of eight weeks, the master list is created following these steps:
1. Collect references from UF/IFAS Units
2. Organize references and review for compliance with Publication Reporting Guidelines
3. Unit lists submitted to UF/IFAS Office of Research for review
4. Revised unit lists submitted to Unit Heads for review
5. Master list of references submitted to UF/IFAS Office of Research
Follow the link for the 2024 Publication Reporting Guidelines.
Faculty Reporting System for 2024
The following information is needed from all faculty by January 10, 2025:
Workload and Impacts. All faculty members, regardless of their appointment, must enter the information at These data (i.e., educational materials and clientele contacts, described below) are critical since they are used to request additional funding for UF/IFAS. If you have an Extension appointment, you will also be asked to provide number of volunteers and effort by program. If you have any questions about Workload, contact Diane Craig (, Program Development and Evaluation Center (PDEC), 352-294-1997.
- Educational Materials. We need to know what materials or resources you created this year to educate a non-credit, non-academic audience plus the total number of published articles (refereed or non-refereed), excluding EDIS publications that you produced. We will obtain EDIS figures directly from the source.
- Clientele Contacts. If you had any contact with community members or non-credit, non-academic audiences for the purpose of conveying educational information, we need to know this. It may be direct contact (e.g., talked to a concerned citizen about your research, group presentation) or indirect contact via the internet (e.g., blog, social media). Many faculty without Extension appointments have some contact with the general public, so these data are requested from all faculty.
Refereed Journal Publications. Each IFAS author will create a list of all appropriate 2024 publications and share this with their unit administrator (Chair or REC Director) by Wednesday, January 8, 2024. Each IFAS unit will either submit through the EndNote Web, MS Word document, or MS Excel Spreadsheet. Unit administrators will send the comprehensive list for their unit to the UF Libraries/IFAS Publication Coordinator by Friday, January 10. Please follow the Guidelines for Annual Reporting of Peer-reviewed Journal Articles. If you have any questions, contact
For Research Faculty Only:
REEport/NRS. NIFA is in the process of phasing out the REEport system and moving to the new NIFA Reporting System (NRS). At this time, all active Capacity Research projects (Hatch Regular, Hatch Multistate, McIntire-Stennis and Animal Health) have been transferred over to NRS. Progress and Final Reports (now called “Results”) for Capacity Research projects should be submitted in NRS. To access NRS you must have an active eAuthentication account set up with identity verification. Instruction on setting up an eAuthentication account is located on NIFA’s website here.
As a reminder, Progress Reports for USDA NIFA competitive grant projects are due on the anniversary of the project and should still be submitted in REEport at this time. If you have any questions, contact the REEport/NRS Coordinators at
For Extension Faculty Only:
Workload Indicators. USDA requires us to identify what initiative/priority work groups you are reporting under and to summarize the results of your programmatic evaluation. The Workload Indicators section is unchanged from last year. We also have a section called Workforce Development Indicators that includes three Community Resource Development (CRD) questions, asked for each initiative you say you worked in. As with any indicator, if you did not collect these data, you may leave them blank.
Impacts. The narratives reported in the Workload Impacts section are used to demonstrate the value of UF/IFAS to the state and USDA through news stories, articles and blogs as well as the federal report, so it is critical that you enter your impacts each year.
Getting Assistance
Email the UF/IFAS Annual Report Project Coordinator ( if you need assistance with submitting Unit Lists for the Annual Report.
Publication Reporting Information
The following documents contain short guides illustrating the solutions to many common problems encountered during the reporting process.
EndNote Basic
EndNote Basic is a popular web-based bibliographical software tool used by researchers to organize references. It provides users with the ability to build lists of references by importing publication data from online databases, electronic journals, or by manually entering publication information – although “copy & paste” is not advised. An EndNote Basic account is available to everyone at no cost. To import references from Web of Science or other UF Library electronic resources, a UF network connection must be utilized.
- LibGuide – EndNote Basic: Introduction
- Introduction, FAQ, Collect, Organize, Format
- EndNote Basic Tutorials
- LibGuide – EndNote Basic: Introduction