The application portal is closed.
For students:
This internship program is open to undergraduate students in a College of Agricultural and Life Sciences major or minor. In order to apply, students will be asked to submit a CV/resume, a cover letter, and up to three potential faculty mentors with whom they would like to work.
Once the application is submitted, the potential mentors will receive an automated email containing the student’s information and describing how the faculty can initiate the matching process.
Students are strongly advised to contact these faculty before or immediately after submitting their application to maximize their chance of securing an internship.
For resume examples and online video guides, please visit the CALS Career Community. Students are encouraged to list activities from both college and high school, such as coursework, honor societies, volunteering, relevant work experience, clubs, and/or sports activities.
For faculty:
We have moved to a student driven process and no longer ask faculty to submit candidate projects. Instead, we ask students to connect with faculty to discuss potential projects prior to making a match.
Faculty aware of undergraduate students in CALS majors or minors who are interested in working in their lab should encourage those students to apply no later than February 23rd, and to specifically list the faculty member’s name in their application. If the student applies, the faculty will receive an automated email indicating the student’s interest in interning with their lab and describing the steps needed to initiate the matching process.